Friday, January 21, 2005

habemus boots.

yay! boots! lightweight (for boots), flexible sole, leather, and warm. what an amazing thing. apparently timberland still makes practical shoes; they just refuse to advertise the fact on their website.

i'm debating attempting to waterproof the leather. it doesn't say it's waterproof, unlike the runners-up last night (lightweight, flexibility, and arch support won out over waterproof, more ankle protection, and bouncy). also, the leather is, um, napped, i guess. not suede, but still...fuzzy. they say they're "abrasion-resistant," and the metal lacing things are advertised as "rustproof," so i assume the boots are meant to get wet. and, you know, they're leather. leather is pretty waterproof on its own, isn't it?

anyone know anything about the intrinsic waterproofing capabilities of nubuck? is no help.
Main Entry: nubuck
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: an aniline-dyed leather with its finished surface buffed to a slight nap or suede-like appearance


The Beefeater said...

A silicone based spray should do the trick. What the hell do these boots look like? I'm picturing a cross between a boot a nazi would wear and a knight. You know what you could do...ask the person who sold you the boot about waterproofing capabilities. Then again it is advertised as a winter boot so who the hell would make a winter BOOT that can't be waterproofed... unless you are Jean Paul Gautier... or Gallager.

wizgeneric said...
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wizgeneric said...

um, try again.

they're not actually winter boots, they're hiking boots. i got them for walking to work in the cold and snow, etc.

if you're curious: