Thursday, February 3, 2005

friends, stress, sleep, and dreams.

so we had a friend visiting from england all last week. he got back to the airport yesterday and is safe and sound in the UK with his new (undeclared) ipod mini and nearly $400 worth of books. the amazing thing is, of course, that he actually saved money buying all that stuff, because the dollar is so fucking weak right now. *sigh* no european vacation for me this year.

however, having a friend stay for a week-and-a-half does tend to mess up one's schedule somewhat. to say nothing of what it does to your diet. something must have put some amount of stress on me, because i had 2 nightmares last night. i regularily have nightmares when something stressful is happening. it's like my mind says, "hey! i'm all fucked up! so i'm going to get more fucked up!" finals at university used to do that to me. hmm. and yet, before i blame my own hospitality, i ought to take into consideration that i watched 2 terry gilliam movies in one week, which are always good for fucking with your head.

i don't remember one of them, but the other is riding my back today, freaking me out and raising my heartrate. probably because it's on a recurring theme. i love recurring nightmares. the type where, for instance, you go into the bathroom to make yourself look presentable, and you look away for something (toothbrush, whatever) and when you look back, there's someone else in the mirror with you. and then you spin around and there's no one there. but they're in the mirror behind you making faces and grinning with too-white teeth.

whee, shit. mmm...adrenaline, i love you.


g said...

eek! that is a scary nightmare... that's more like a horror movie than my nightmares tend to be. i had a dream that i was in ahern's class. that was disturbing. ;)

The Beefeater said...

okay the scariest part about the nightmare is the too-white teeth grin. Someone in the mirror...whatever. It's creepy but you don't know maybe they're happy there. The weird grin is bad. Like if it's Ray Leota or Christopher Walkin or something. ew.

the Dreadful Flying Glove said...
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the Dreadful Flying Glove said...

Blargh, typo. Anyway, what I was going to say was that the image I got in my head reminded me of that creepy-as-hell panel in "The Life & Times Of The Emperor Heliogabalus".

We should start a team-blog of dream postings. I think that'd be cool - or at least sufficiently warped as to make no difference.