Tuesday, July 5, 2005

en vacances.

well, not anymore. back at work now, after spending 5 days in upstate NY with my sister and her boyfriend. it was quite a bit of fun. her boyfriend owns a 20-foot fishing boat and took us out on lake ontario for an afternoon. after my sister caught a 12 pound lake trout, i had the oppurtuniy to wrestle in a 15 pound king salmon from 275 feet of line *grin* that was fun. actually, it took all 4 of us to get the damn thing in the boat. it's over there; i'm sure you've noticed it by now. it's still alive in that picture, btw. that's my sister's bf holding it.

blogger image sucks, btw. there are more pictures, but i'll have to post them later. i should probably qualify that: blogger image sucks, where sucks means it breaks in 2 different browsers and can't seem to actually upload any images.

anyway. sunday, we went down to lake seneca, one of the finger lakes out there, and trolled through some of the wineries down there. unfortunately, it seems most people in NY like sweet wine. if one more person proffers a "dry" riesling with 1.5% residual sugar, i think i'm going to break it over their head o:) although not dry, some of them were still very nice, and we bought a bottle for the next time we go out for good asian food. we also bought a miraculous cabernet sauvignon, and tasted many, many other wines and beers. thank fuck one of the wineries has a restaurant. popcorn and little crackers only go so far to tamp down tastings of 10-15 wines.

the cat seemed to miss us quite a bit, and even went so far as to curl up and sleep next to my face for several hours last night. aww. poor lonely kitty. and now back to the daily grind.

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