Saturday, September 16, 2006

pain and recovery.

he had all four of his wisdom teeth out on thursday. there was quite a lot of blood. for a few hours, even the whole bedroom smelled like it. but now he is recovering pretty well, actually. he says the sutures are already dissolving. insisting on going to work today, although as of right this moment, he's still asleep under the influence of the lovely, lovely hydrocodone. he's also got penicillin and some kind of anti-inflammatory, to try and keep the swelling down.

the weirdest thing about all these prescriptions is that the vicodin was the cheapest. $9.99 for 16 500mg tablets. no wonder people abuse this stuff. it's ridiculously cheap! my sister even says it's cheaper for her to just pay for the pills rather than bother with the insurance co-pay. i can't help but think that at these prices, no one is really concerned about "prescription drug abuse." cheap narcotics! whee! and no, you can't have any ;)

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