Thursday, October 19, 2006


so, a few months after getting his new Palm Treo 650 and a gps receiver for it, he gave in and ordered an internet and SMS package for it as well. which means that i got an SMS package on my phone too.

i feel so...advanced. the SMS also includes IM, so if you allow yourself to polluted by AIM, feel free to add etcmobile to your list and message me.

also speaking of communcation, the cat is feeling threatened. there's this big, ugly, stray tabby cat who comes by occasionally and sits on our patio and yowls at our cat, who growls and gets fluffy and tries to dig through the glass patio doors. i'm pretty sure the tabby is feral, or i might consider trying to chase it off. also, did i mention that it's huge? it reminds me of road rage, sort of. my cat's certainly not going to walk away and ignore this interloper in his territory, just like a road-rage-prone driver isn't going to ignore the person who just pulled out on them. grr, and so forth.

except i've never seen a driver with a tail that looks like a bottle brush.

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