Friday, December 29, 2006

what is this crap?

i quite frankly don't care if blogger is out of beta, i have no desire to switch to the new layout and especially i have no desire to tie it to my google account (i know, i know, they're tracking the cookies anyway. shut up ;)

but mostly, i refuse to put up with this web two-point-fucking-o semantic bullshit crap. it's bad enough i have to think of a title for each post (because otherwise the archive looks messy), but now, now they want labels, otherwise known as "tags," on each post. fuck off, google. fuck off all of you and your stupid semantic tagging bullshit. it won't work. HTML barely works, for fuck's sake, or why do we have to test webpages in multiple browsers? now you expect random people making up random words to come up with something usable? ha.

end of rant from a bitter geek with critical thinking skills who lived through the dot-coms. hmf. tag that.

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