Friday, April 18, 2008

popemobile in the way.

many of you will have heard this rant in person, but i am irritated.

the pope is going to be in yonkers tomorrow. because of this, they are closing the cross county parkway between 2pm and 8pm.

i need to be at my grandmother's for seder at 5pm. as you may have guessed, i need to take the cross county to get there.

because it will be closed, we are going to have to take 287 all the way up to the tappan zee bridge and then come down the hutchison parkway to try and get around the whole traffic mess, instead of taking the cross county to the hutch. this will add miles and probably 45 minutes to an already 2 1/2 hour trip (google maps may help you at this point if you're not familiar with westchester county, ny).

what the fuck is the pope doing in yonkers on erev pesach? really, people! let's try a little planning next time!

(ok, ok, this is what he will be doing. could have waited, if you ask me)


1 comment:

the Dreadful Flying Glove said...

"locked in pope mode" just makes me think of Spaceballs, I'm afraid.