Sunday, December 20, 2009


holy shit, it snowed. quite a bit. although we didn't get as much as some people. still going to have to dig the car out, nevertheless.

following the advice of some friends, who were also snowbound last night, we made a fire and hot chocolate. yum.

1 heaping t unsweetened cocoa powder
2 level t sugar
(adjust to you preferred levels of sweetness and chocolateyness)

1. put into a mug and mix together.

2. pour in just enough milk to make a sludge. stir vigorously until all the cocoa is wet.

3. microwave for 30 seconds to melt the chocolate

4. stir the hot mixture again until it's more or less smooth

5. while stirring, fill up the mug with milk. microwave for 2 minutes.

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