Thursday, October 28, 2004

damn you, blogger.

i noticed this afternoon that blogger is having a NaNoWriMo gimmick they're calling NaNoBlogMo, which is very cute. and i got interested, and i followed their link to the NaNoWriMo site, and...i signed up >_<

i don't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting 50,000 words written in the month of november, seeing as i have a full-time job, i'm moving on the 5th (and 6th and 7th and...). but i liked their reasons. especially this one:
Can anyone participate in NaNoWriMo?
No. People who take their writing (and themselves) very seriously should probably go elsewhere. Everyone else, though, is warmly welcomed.


and i need something to do. i feel like my brain is atrophying. early this year, i actually started writing, but my surgery put a quick end to that. so i'll use this as an excuse to try again. also, they put the emphasis on "quantity, not quality." it's very easy to get defeated by too-high standards. so i'm not going to be able to worry about stupidity or awkward prose, i'm just going to write it out and leave it at that. maybe i'll edit it into something more publicly digestable when i'm finished. if i finish.

and yes, that mean's i'm not going to be part of NaNoBlogMo. i'm sure you're all heartbroken. wish me luck anyway? ^_^

1 comment:

the Dreadful Flying Glove said...

Well, I should think so too. I've been waiting forever for the next instalment of that story about the mage.

Of course, uh, I'm not necessarily in a position to grumble about people pulling Fred Gallaghers, but dammit, I've been waiting longer than you have! ;)

anyway, uhm ... do it! doitdoitdoitdoit! and then let me read it!