Tuesday, March 15, 2005

retail therapy.

we had a horrendous weekend. it was really bad. and then yesterday wasn't so great either. a series of bad days in a row does not a happy blogger make. so last night, instead of staying at home, we went out for dinner, and then we went to Buy Stuff. i had recently found the envelope that contained my christmas bonus (only 3 months late), and instead of doing something responsible with it, we went out and purchased...

my Very First Console.

yup. i've always been a PC gamer. mostly because my parents always said, "you don't need another reason to sit in front of the tv." so after 20 years of not being allowed to have a console, i purchased a silver nintendo gamecube. it seemed fairly fitting to me that my first console would be a nintendo. and since i get bored by shooting things, i'll take a game about really frigging cute sentient plants.


g said...

aaaah so CUTE!

the Dreadful Flying Glove said...

Aww. That's great news - and hey, there's a 19" flatpanel monitor still in its cellophane in my bedroom which says that retail therapy REALLY WORKS! ;)

Too bad you didn't pick up the 'cube before I came to visit. They're cute!