Tuesday, July 22, 2008

is it so much to ask?

all i want is a job with one of two characteristics:

1. i don't have to keep track of my time


2. there's actually enough work to keep me busy for an 8-hour log.

i admit it: i'm over-educated and over-trained, intellectually, academically, and functionally. i work quickly and efficiently. i know my way around a computer. i learn fast. and i spend a lot of my time bored out of my fucking mind.

i'm stuck in this limbo stage... i only have an undergraduate degree, and i'm headed into a field where you need at least one grad degree, 2 are better.

but still. i can't imagine no one else has ever been in this position before. is it really so much to ask to be able to actually do the things i enjoy and that i'm good at? apparently.

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