Saturday, July 26, 2008


this is where i was this morning. yesterday afternoon, we spontaneously decided to go down to the shore. luckily, last night was my aunt and uncle's last night in their rental in barnegat light, so we stayed the night. this morning, they showed us the house they're building down there, and then we spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon on the beach.

i don't get to the beach as much as i would like anymore, and i don't think we've ever done anything this spontaneous. surprisingly, it worked out pretty well.

photo was taken with my phone, as we forgot the camera in the rush to pack after work and get down there as fast as possible. for some reason, it has a blue cast. not sure why.


the Dreadful Flying Glove said...

Damn it all, that looks so beautiful.

wizgeneric said...

it was. and hot. but absolutely gorgeous. and the lack of clouds in the sky is not due to the vagaries of a cameraphone :)