Saturday, November 13, 2004


so i'm up in northern NJ today, with my mother's family. we all got up early to watch my cousing play his first playoff football game for the post-season. football is even harder to make sense of when all you can see are the refs making weird hand motions for no apparent reason. and then in the fourth quarter, someone on the opposing team was laid out and they called the ambulance. that was when some of us went home.

%$*&% #$&% $*@%(*$#ING $%@&#$ it was cold on those bleachers! coldcoldcold. i had my hood up, my scarf wrapped around my face (the ninja elf returned!), gloveses, and i was still freezing. i put on an extra jacket my aunt had brought to sit on (but nobody sat because there was ice on the seats) and i was still cold! bitter, bitter wind. brr! the things you put up with for your family.

oh, and my cousin's team won.

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