Thursday, November 18, 2004

strange effects of technology.

i can't find my cellphone this morning. this is strange, because i left it on my desk last night. when i tried to call it, it rang less than it should have before dumping me to my own voicemail. which is equally strange because it had a nearly fully charged battery. so it's either under something where it can't get reception, or someone took it last night (a thought i don't really like to consider, because everyone who was over last night was a friend).

the strange thing is, i've only had a cellphone for a few years, now. i used to walk quite far, alone, through a city without one, and i never felt the lack. but now, faced with walking a mile and a half through the suburbs in the near-dark without one, i am feeling distressingly paranoid. i have quite come to rely on it as a sort of safety blanket.

i wonder where my phone is.

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