Monday, November 22, 2004


this weekend was a waste as far as writing is concerned. i am now days behind. i think we're having leftovers for dinner tonight. if we have dinner. the kitchen is an utter wreck.

getting drunk both saturday and sunday nights probably didn't help *grin* sunday night we celebrated our anniversary and buying the house, but, as my father says, you never need to go looking for reasons to open a bottle of champagne. however, what emerged was a vision for remodelling the whole condo. that is, you know, if we had a couple thousand dollars just lying around. which we don't, having sunk a fair amount into our down payment. eh. it's something to think about, at least. sober, for once ;)

in other news, i only have to work 3 days this week, so that's good. yay for holidays and stuff.

1 comment:

g said...

happy anniversary!

jeez, i'm batting a thousand this year...